Monday, May 17, 2010

8 months old!

Hayden is 8 months old. He is at a very fun age now, interacting with Mommy and Daddy. He gives the best hugs, usually when you first pick him up. And now he has started giving out kisses. I just love these slobbery wide open-mouthed signs of affection. Hayden also says "dada" all day long while Mommy argues saying "mama" in a useless attempt to teach him what he should be saying. Hayden has no interest in crawling, but loves to pull himself up onto things and walk with help. He'll be walking long before he ever crawls. He also has his first tooth starting to push its way through, but hasn't popped out yet.

Ready for bed

Heading to church

Pulling himself up in his crib

Playing Peek-A-Boo

Being silly for the camera


  1. Heather! You have the cutest little boy!!!! Did you know our lil' guys are only 6 days apart! I love your blog! I saw it on Haylee's and just had to say hello!!!! You have such a cute family!

  2. Thanks. Your little guy is adorable too. I enjoy looking at his pictures on facebook. It's fun that our babies are so close in age.

  3. I love the "peeking over the crib" pictures. Such a cute little guy!

  4. hes precious!! Happy 8 months! :)

  5. Heather, you have one cute kid! If you have anymore kids as cute as Hayden, we're in trouble-we'll have to compete for Mom's attention. (:

  6. Thanks everyone.

    And Sarah your kids are absolutely adorable too! Mom is so lucky to have such cute grandchildren.

  7. I saw your blog from Haylee's and had to say hi Heather. How are ya? Looks like you are enjoying your little guy lots! Tons to love! Hope things are well.
    Heidi (Blatter) Shurtliff
